
Sand Animation Assignment

Sand  Animation Assignment

Date of Completion: Oct/2012;
Duration: 00'07'';

I do not know how to describe my feelings about the sand animation. It has many possibilities which always surprise me, while it is rather hard to control that also surprises me. However, I have to confess that this assignment makes me fall in love with playing with the contrast of light and shadow. The relationship between light and shadow is really attractive to me.

My roles in production: Personal production.

Software used in production: Dragon (for shooting), Premier (for exporting video);

Charcoal Animation Assignment

Charcoal Animation Assignment
Date of Completion: Oct/2012;
Duration: 00'04'';

This assignment is about to animate a character moving through the space by using charcoals and one piece of paper. The first frame is the only one that looks clear enough. When I worked on the second frame, I had to erase a part of the previous frame and this caused the mess... But, all in all, I love this charcoal painting animation because it is really fun to play with such loose shape and lines and the contrast between light and shadow. This is a wonderful experience.

My roles in production: Personal production.

Software used in production: Dragon, Premier;